As an enterprise wiki, Confluence is not only a collaboration platform for sharing user-generated content across teams and departments, it is also an "Information Portal". This capability is particularly enhanced by zAgile Teamwork which allows Confluence users to embed "pixel-perfect" reports in Confluence pages to create dashboards of information collected from various tools integrated into the zAgile platform.
This ability to design and embed visually rich, professional-grade reports into Confluence pages provides the business users with a much more Collaborative, User-friendly and Reliable environment for accessing critical business information.
Collaborative - because the reports, like any other wiki page, can be easily shared with other team members. They can be commented on, submitted for reviews (using JIRA Workflow) and incorporated in other contexts (ex: Bug and Build Activity Reports in a Project Release Dashboard). They can also be shared with others in conventional formats via exports (PDF, CSV, etc.).
User-Friendly -- because providing reports and dashboards within the relevant context of other related business information and data in Confluence pages eliminates the need for the users to access BI tools to generate adhoc reports - every time they need this data and manually collate them with other information context.
Reliable -- because the reports and dashboards offer real-time or near-time views of information captured across applications. All team members that need to access these dashboards can view the same information at the same time - and be assured that the information will not be outdated moments after it was produced.
Teamwork is able to achieve this through the integration of tools from JasperSoft -- the leading provider of Open Source Business Intelligence Software.
- zAgile provides custom datasource for the JasperSoft iReport report designer -- to enable support for SPARQL (query language for RDF/XML).
- JasperReport libraries are bundled with zAgile's zCALM Server to publish reports to various clients (including Confluence and zAgile Teamwork Portal)
- zAgile's Plugin for Confluence provides macros to render JasperReports into wiki pages with realtime data
So the net result is:
The following macro notations in a Confluence page:
h4. Request Amounts by Functional Areas
{zreport:designFile=FRbyArea.jrxml|Title=Request Amounts by Functional Areas|exportFormat=html|embedded=true}
h4. Request Amounts by Functional Areas & Status
{zreport:designFile=FRbyFA Bar.jrxml|Title=Request Amounts by Functional Areas & Status|exportFormat=html|embedded=true}
Will give you this output on the page:
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