Orthopaedia - A Semantic Platform for Collaborative Knowledgebase Development in Orthopaedics
Semantic technologies have been aggressively applied in biomedical and healthcare domains to address a number of problems related to the representation, interpretation, integration and access of knowledge. These technologies include the development of machine readable thesauri and vocabularies, taxonomies, formal ontologies as well as NLP tools and techniques. And of course, there are emerging applications that are being developed to deal with these underlying metamodels.
This case study discusses a semantic platform that incorporates these technologies and metamodels towards the collaborative development of a knowledgebase in Orthopaedics. The platform enables users to easily enhance local content with publications from various sources, blogs, discussions, annotations, and automatically tag them with domain-specific terms, as well as make this information accessible across the enterprise to other tools and applications via a semantic repository.
We will also describe the current challenges in achieving coherency and integration across medical subdomains, and describe some the design decisions taken to overcome some of these challenges.
We will address the following points:
- Overview of semantic technologies in healthcare
- Challenges in semantic information integration across resources and applications
- Objectives of the project
- Discussion of technologies implemented
- Review of strengths and weaknesses of the current state of technologies in addressing knowledge management issues in healthcare
- Demo