EII (Enterprise Information Integration) and MDM (Master Data
Management) have been the leading strategies in large enterprises for
data integration across business functions. Initiatives driven by these
strategies have been deployed successfully and proven effective in
providing data consistency to business units as well as reducing costs
of data maintenance. They also provide powerful analytics and business
intelligence capabilities.
Semantic web technologies can offer a powerful complement to EII.
Through the implementation of application-specific, collaboration and
process ontologies, integration transcends from application data to the
semantics of that data. Repositories may be central or federated across
the enterprise - but they still provide a unified view of information.
This level of semantic information integration may be tool or
application-agnostic, domain-specific and easy to implement via a
supporting framework.
This presentation discusses a Jena-based architecture for semantic
enterprise information integration. This architecture has been
implemented to integrate collaboration and tools within software
engineering. It is also equally applicable in other areas. The
resulting semantic information network can provide unique dashboards to
decision makers.
In this session, we will address the following: